- Project No:
- 9406
- Project Title:
- Eskisehir Natural Gas Distribution System
- Client:
- Epsilon Inc.
- Start - Finish:
- 1994 - 1995
- Venture Type:
- Alone
Detailed Description:
790 m, 3 inch PE Coated Steel Pipe
1170 m, 4 inch PE Coated Steel Pipe
1000 m, 6 inch PE Coated Steel Pipe
24000 m, 12 inch PE Coated Steel Pipe
3300 m, 18 inch PE Coated Steel Pipe
1 each 75/19-28 Bar RMS A Type Pressure Reducing and Metering Station
Control Building
Heaters, Filters, Regulators and Metering Sets at Station
Pipeline Plan and Profiles
Highway, Railway and River Crossings
Station Piping Plans and Isometrics
LV and HV Power Supply to Stations
Cathodic Protection and Grounding Systems
Control and Instrumentation Systems
Services Provided By ESER
Detailed Engineering
Construction Shop Drawings
Construction Specifications
Start-up Inspections
Topographical Surveys